Voluntary Health Association of Tripura (VHAT)


Preventive Health :

: VHAT conducts 40 community health camps in a year in hilly rural areas of Tripura aiming to raise awareness about communicable diseases like diarrhea, malaria, hepatitis  , HIV/AIDS & other STDs. Non-communicable diseases e.g. cancer, diabetes, heart problems are also included.
Special initiative has been taken for deworming , prevention of eye problems among children, providing multivitamins for women in child bearing age . Since 2014 , Vitamin Angels of Mumbai  is providing  us Vitamin A & Albendazole tablets for children and Multivitamin tablets for the women during prenatal and postnatal period. These are distributed to the rural beneficiaries in the health camps.

Eye screening are done among the elderly population to identify the cataract and other eye problems.

Eye screening camp organized by VHAT in Rural Tripura.

Curative Health Services:

Treatment is provided as per need in the health camps. Identified eye patients are taken to the VHAT Eye Hospital for doing the surgery. In the VHAT Eye Hospital OPD  treatment is provided to the patients. On an average 700-800 cataract and other minor eye surgery are done in VHAT Eye Hospital in a year . Follow up of the patients are done by our Community Health Workers(CHVs) .

Intensified  Malaria Control Program(IMCP) under GFATM:

VHAT has been implementing this since 2011 in 352 village in three districts of Tripura , viz. North, Gomati and South district as Sub-Sub- Recipient of Global Fund. Objectives of this project-to achieve nearly universal coverage(80%) by 2017 with effective preventive intervention for population living in high risk areas through parasitological diagnosis, prompt treatment, BCC activities, coordination & partnership development to improve service delivery. The project activities-community infotainment, miking, massage dissemination ,school activities,LLIN distribution, diagnosis-treatment & referring he patients.