Voluntary Health Association of Tripura (VHAT)


(Care, Protection, Empowerment)

A. CHILDLINE Agartala:

VHAT has been implementing the CHILDLINE project in West District of Tripura since April 2003 as collaborative organization. CHILDLINE is a National 24 hour, free emergency helpline & outreach service for children in need of care and protection. CHILDLINE not only respond to the emergency needs of children but also link them to services for their long-term care and rehabilitation. CHILDLINE number 1098 is a toll free number that is common in all the cities of India. The project is supported by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India through the nodal organization CHILDLINE India Foundation, Mumbai. On average CHILDLINE Agartala receives 500 intervention calls per year . Accordingly children have been rescued, given shelter, provided medical aid, provided emotional support and counseling, sponsorship  with help from DISE under ICPS and reintegration with their families. Some cases of child marriage could be stopped with the help from Police Dept. Events and Celebrations organizes by CHILDLINE Agartala:
World Day against Child Labour: on 12th June
CHILDLNE Agartala’s Birthday Celebration: On 8th August
Celebration of Children’s Day : on 14th  November
CHILDLINE Se Dosti Programme: A week-long campaign from the 14th of November to 20th November

Swachh Bharat Campaign:This was organized by CHILDLINE Agartala (collab) with the help of Anwesha Child Protection Centre at Ushabazar on 5th February 2017.
Seminar on Child Sexual Abuse: With schools.

B. Anwesha Child Protection Centre-Open Shelter  for children in need of emergency  care &  protection:
Anwesha Child Protection Centre is an Open Shelter for children in crisis run by Voluntary Health Association of Tripura since 2005. From the beginning it has two sections – girls section and boys section. Now these two sections are separately registered under Social Welfare department as per J J Act  under Ministry of Women & Child Development as Anwesha Child Protection Centre - Open Shelter for Girls for 25 girls  and Anwesha Child Protection Centre  -Open Shelter for Boys for 25 boy children
Children of 5-18 years of the following categories are beneficiaries of this project-
    Orphaned Children.
    Street children(rag pickers), victims of addictions.
    Abandoned children.
    Victims of Violence / abuse
    Any child eligible for getting emergency services.
All the care givers staff were residential. All the children were attending schools on regular basis and were supported by seven coaching teachers. In the computer lab, supported by the Miracle Foundation,  all the children were getting the computer training as appropriate  as per their age and classes they read in.

C.Anwesha Children Home for Girls -for Orphaned and Underprivileged  Girl Children:
‘Anwesha Children Home for Girls’  for 50 girls is registered by the Department of Social Welfare and Social Education, Government of Tripura.

The target groups of children are same as of the open shelters but in Anwesha Children Home the girls would be staying long time till completion of 18 years of age.
This home is providing shelter, nutrition, education, computer literacy , recreation, medical support and life skill education  for the orphaned and underprivileged  children.
Children are involved in the following activities
a.    Regular schooling in nearby educational institutions.
b.    Art and Drama  training
c.    Tailoring
d.    Life skill education
e.    Sports and games
f.     Agriculture and animal rearing
g.    Yoga and meditation
h.    Computer Education: Fun learning, Basic IT, Social Networking, Advanced Word and Excel.
Group wise children are involved in these activities which are being guided by the teachers and the care taker staffs. For computer education, Anwesha home is linked NIIT through Miracle Foundation.  Children got certificates also from NIIT. All children are involved in computer education. In computer children are also doing robotics.
Medical Care and Services provided 
For all children individual medical file are being maintained by the home. Following are the components in which children are getting the medical service.
a.    Monthly height-weight, BMI and record maintenance.
b.    Immunization: Hepatitis B, Tetanus Toxoid.
c.    Quarterly Hemoglobin test.
d.    Monthly health Check-up and treatment.
e.    Vision Test.
f.     Annually  dental and ENT check-up.
g.   Emergency medical care.
Anwesha Home Celebrates 
Group Birth Day of the Children in each month.
Drawing Competition as part of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan(Campaign ) on 2nd October.
A campaign “Haq Ki Shor” (Sound of Rights) was organized in the home in collaboration with NINEISMINE on 7th December 2016.

  • Basanta Utsav(Spring Festival) on the occasion of Holi
  • Rabindra Jayanti
  • Birth day of Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam
  • Independence Day
  • Republic Day
  • Children’s Day
  • Teachers’Day
  • Mothers’Day
  • House Mothers of the Children’s Home with Children on Republic Day